Four Strange Car Smells and What Can Cause Them
July 20 2017 - toyotaofseattle

Burning Upholstery
If you smell a burning odor in your car, look around the cabin to see if something within the vehicle has caught a spark. When the cabin is in good shape, the odor could be coming from brake issues. Burning brakes can be extremely dangerous since the rubber within the system could melt. As a result, the braking system might not be able to stop effectively when you press the pedal. A burning smell when you're driving is especially concerning, so take your vehicle into the dealership for an inspection. An experienced technician can look at the brake pads and shoes to make sure they're still in good condition and can help your car stop quickly.Hot Oil
The smell of hot oil is typically a sign your engine oil is leaking into the exhaust system. You can confirm the presence of a leak if your engine produces a cloud of smoke when you accelerate. You can also check the ground beneath your vehicle to look for puddles of oil. Without enough oil in your car, the engine won't have sufficient lubrication for the moving parts, which can lead to grinding metal parts and significant damage. The oil also helps to cool your engine and prevents overheating. If your engine is leaking oil, this is a concerning problem that should be addressed right away. Make an appointment for service at the nearest dealership. A certified technician will be able to assess the condition of your engine and determine the best option for repairing it.Musty and Mildew Odors
When you turn on the cooling system in your vehicle, it's always unpleasant to smell mildew or similar musty odors. These smells can indicate that mildew or mold is growing within the air conditioning unit. This odor isn't necessarily dangerous, although if you suffer from allergies to mold, you might notice some irritation in your lungs or eyes when you have the AC running. It's pretty easy to fix this issue since mildew can only exist in areas with excessive moisture. Run the fan on high to help dry out the evaporator core, and this should eliminate the issue. Keep leaves away from the air intakes around the windshield and keep old food out of the car to prevent the mildew from coming back.Syrupy Sweet Smell
If you catch a whiff of something sweet, you might have someone in the back of your car eating donuts, or you might have a leaky heating core. Antifreeze smells very sweet, so when it leaks, you'll often experience an odor coming from the heating vents when the system is running. A leaking heater core typically must be replaced, so take it into the dealership for service. These odors aren't all unpleasant, although most of them are cause for concern. Make sure to keep your vehicle in the hands of a certified technician to avoid further issues.
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