4 Tips for Safely Securing Loads in Your Toyota Pickup
June 15 2017 - toyotaofseattle

Have the Right Straps
When you're hauling heavy loads, you want to make sure that you have the right equipment so that there's no risk of your items shifting. To effectively secure your large equipment, you need heavy-duty ratchet straps. Any straps that you buy should have at least a 1,000-pound load limit and a 3,000-pound break strength. Once you've purchased your ratchet straps, you need to be sure you're using them correctly. Only attach your straps to designated attachment points and make sure they are taut before you start operating your vehicle. Any give in the straps may allow your cargo to shift and can lead to a very dangerous situation.Use a Net
Contrary to what you might believe, some of the most difficult items to transport are extremely light items. When an item is light enough, it can easily be caught by the wind and fly out of your pickup truck bed. In order to keep your lightweight items together, you should consider using a cargo net. Cargo nets serve two purposes. First, they allow you to keep your lightweight cargo items together so they won't move or fly away. Secondly, they more easily secure your items with your ratchet straps. Using a cargo net is the easy and affordable solution for hauling lighter items.Avoid Overloading
Because pickup trucks are such powerful vehicles, many people assume they don't need to worry about the size of the load they're hauling. However, nothing could be further from the truth. If you want to stay safe on the road, you need to pay close attention to how much cargo you're hauling and its weight. If you overfill your truck, it makes it harder to secure all of your equipment and increases the chances of your items moving or coming loose. Your truck also will have a maximum weight limit, and exceeding this limit is extremely dangerous. Avoid overloading by making multiple trips and you'll be able to safely haul your cargo.Double Check
If you're an experienced truck owner, then it's common to load and secure your storage very quickly. This can sometimes cause you to overlook certain steps and put your safety at risk. No matter your skill level, one of the most important things you can do when hauling cargo is to double check and make sure everything is secured properly. Be certain that your cargo is situated properly and secured fully before you hit the road. Stick to these simple tips and you'll be able to complete your cargo hauling jobs quickly, easily, and safely.
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